After designing the entire This is a product line, the company needed to promote their products in the market.
Our suggestion was, instead of starting to distribute individual samples here and there, a promo pack would be and ideal solution.
The purpose was to include samples of all the products to someone who had just done a tattoo.
Thus, we continued the logic of the brand, which communicates directly and in an obvious way the properties of cosmetics where:
presenting himself easily
easily perceived or understood,
clear, self-evident or obvious
open, exposed or ordinary.
We designed a box that again presents itself in a simple and direct way,
‘This is a… Tattoo After Care Promo Pack ”
The circle again has a leading role. Each sample keeps the circle with the raster that visually represents its properties,
for example in the After Care Creams the raster gradually shrinks and disappears wanting to show the healing process that comes from the systematic use of the product,
in the cleansing soap we give a diagonal movement in raster with reference to the movement the tattoo artists make when they wipe the tattoo, finally the butter clearly shows the product when you open it, a white circle that has a dense composition.
In the box, however, instead of a specific raster we die-cut a circle so that the artwork is not bound by a single product but also so that the user can see the content.
As an additional element, the typography sits between the black box and the empty space to emphasise even more strongly the
unconventional character of the series, “think outside the box” as they say!
Finally, we tried to keep the box small and handy so that someone can always carry around.