Adobe Behance
Graphic Design Gallery
In a realm often veiled by silence, we embarked on a project that transcends the unspoken challenges faced by journalists. Assigned to us by Solomon, we crafted a toolkit – not just a brochure – addressing the mental well-being of those who tirelessly uncover truths.
Our design solution unfolds in a pocket-sized embrace, a brochure that journeys everywhere with ease. The cover, strategically designed to "hug" the entire booklet, symbolises our commitment to embrace and confront the common yet often taboo issues embedded in the journalistic profession. The key colour, a soothing green, resonates with the essence of mental health.
Adding an intriguing dimension, the cover features a die-cut, inviting a subtle peek into the content, treating the information as both valuable and confidential. This approach, akin to revealing a secret, encourages readers to take a glimpse into the intricacies of mental health within journalism. In a stroke of typographic storytelling, each of the three main chapters visually conveys its message.
This toolkit is not just informative; it's a companion, a whispered conversation within the journalistic community. As we unveil minds and navigate through uncharted territories, we aim to contribute to a healthier, more open dialogue surrounding mental well-being in journalism.
Printing: Xenos Printing
Paper Supply: Perrakis Paper
Written By: Solomon
Photography: Kostas Gikas / George Chinas
Art Direction: Loonatiks Design Crew